Corporate and Foundation Relations

Corporate & Foundation Relations

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) works with Brown faculty and administrators to foster support for the University’s mission of research and service.

Our team manages key institutional relationships and collaborates with corporations and foundations to advance research and other initiatives that make a positive impact on campus and in the world.

Members of Brown’s faculty and administration are invited to contact CFR for help in identifying and developing an approach to foundation and corporate funding prospects, developing proposals, coordinating campus visits, navigating the submission process, and stewarding awards.

Our office serves as a centralized resource for institutional giving. We work with Brown faculty from across the University in securing grants and other types of support from corporations and foundations.
From the sciences to the humanities, Brown is making pathbreaking strides towards discovering the answers to the big questions. Our office serves as a central liaison between philanthropic organizations and the University.

Upcoming Funding Opportunities

Heising-Simons Foundation: Support of Science Events and Gatherings

Award Amount: up to $80,000
Deadline: August 30, 2024

The Heising-Simons Foundation’s Science program solicits proposals for support of meetings, workshops, conferences, summer schools, research collaboration gatherings, and other events related to astronomy, cosmology, fundamental physics, climate change science, as well as increasing the representation and retention of underrepresented groups within these areas.

Through its funding, the Science program has three main goals:

  1. Enable basic scientific research,
  2. Connect key stakeholders, and
  3. Communicate scientific results.

Events play a pivotal role in these efforts: they facilitate connections between attendees; allow for the communication of progress and findings; and push science forward through discussion, collaboration, and shared learning. Communities are built through interaction, and events can provide a vital space to network and encounter diverse perspectives. For those early in their careers or that have identities that are underrepresented in their field, certain events can offer the opportunity to find a mentor or a sense of belonging and scientific identity. 

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Arnold Ventures: Strengthening Evidence: Support for RCTs to Evaluate Social Programs and Policies

Deadline: Rolling Application

The Evidence and Evaluation team aims to identify, evaluate, and scale evidence-based solutions targeting the nation’s most pressing social problems. One of the strongest tools in the evidence-building toolkit is the randomized controlled trial (RCT). While not applicable to all policy and program contexts, RCTs are often the strongest choice for evaluating social programs because they fairly compare results between a treatment group and a control group, making it clear whether the program or policy truly works. This strong evidence can be important for informing decision-makers and stakeholders to support effective programs.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) aims to build the body of proven, effective policies, programs, and interventions by funding researchers to conduct rigorous RCTs across the spectrum of social policy. 

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Simons Foundation: Targeted Grants in MPS
Deadline: Rolling Application (Letter of Intent)

The Simons Foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS) division invites applications for its Targeted Grants in MPS program. The program is intended to support high-risk theoretical mathematics, physics and computer science projects of exceptional promise and scientific importance on a case-by-case basis.

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