Charles H. Hood Foundation: Child Health Research Awards Program
Award Amount: $200,000 over two years
Deadline: April 1, 2025
The intent of the Child Health Research Awards Program is to support newly independent faculty, provide the opportunity to demonstrate creativity, and assist in the transition to other sources of research funding.
Two-year grants of $200,000 ($100,000 per year inclusive of 10% indirects) are awarded to researchers who are within five (PhD scientists) or seven (physician-scientists) years of employment following completion of training. Applicants must be working in nonprofit academic, medical or research institutions within the six New England states. Grants support hypothesis-driven clinical, basic science, public health, health services research, and epidemiology projects focused on child health. (Refer to the Application Guidelines for complete eligibility requirements).
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Simons Foundation: Dissertation Fellowship in Mathematics
Award Amount: $38,400 over two years
Deadline: March 31, 2025
The Simons Foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS) division invites applications for the new Simons Dissertation Fellowship in Mathematics to provide research support to excellent graduate students in the final years of their Ph.D. studies. This program has been created to honor the work of our late co-founder, Jim Simons, and his commitment to supporting the field of mathematics.
An applicant must be enrolled as full-time Ph.D. student in a Ph.D. granting mathematics department at an institution in the United States and must be in their third year of study of a five-year Ph.D. program. Applicants must apply in the third year of their Ph.D. program. There are no citizenship requirements.
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